
Discussion Questions

1. Are there any specific features of Korea that affect our own eyes to black subculture?

2. Does ethnic diversification affect racism issue positively or negatively? Is there any difference between Korea and other mixed race countries in terms of  the view about black culture?

3. One of our interviewees, Mr.G said “positive stereotypes are not matter. “. What is the effect of positive stereotypes on judging people? Can we admit positive stereotypes when judging people?

4. Should adoption organizations provide race information of adoptees to adopters, or should adoptions be carried out in a race-blind condition? As we can think about it in this example, Can we accept expression of racial preference in a very personal case, or is it still part of racism?

5. We just talked about features that affect our awareness of black subculture in Korea. In this context, what should be done to understand black subculture properly?

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